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Handout (she will have more)
Kabbalah Centers and Sites
There are now a great many web-sites that offer information on Kabbalah. Many of them offer courses, and workshops; some sell videos and books. You can also contact rabbinical seminaries or universities in your area that offer courses in Jewish Studies. The ones listed below are connected with Jewish practice and study. (There are also sites that are more theosophical in orientation) Here are a few that are known to be led by well trained teachers: www.astillsmallvoice.org - Sarah Schneider , Jerusalem http://www.mysticaljudaism.org Rabbi Steven Fisdel (California) www.kabbalah.info "BneiBaruch" - Rav Michael Laitman, located in Israel www.tiferet.org - - Cleveland Ohio Web-Conference classes with Director Rabbi Yakov Travis, Dr. Tamar Frankiel and others. LearnKabbalah.com Jay Michaelson, New York State www.kabbalahnow.indranet.com - Samuel Avital, Boulder Co. Kabbalah Center - in many cities including NY, L.A. Miami- Rabbi Michael Berg see: Kabbalah4all.com - they list study groups and teachers including: BeitMiriam- MelindaRibner Laibl Wolf - Australian mystic httprabbidavidcooper.com (Rabbi David Cooper, Co.) Elat Chayyim retreat center at Isabella Freedman center in Connecticut offers variety of workshops with teachers from many perspectives. *Breslov Chasidic Center- Columbus Ohio and other cities *Chabad Lubavich - most cities in U.S. and international
Distributed by Rabbi Leah Novick, Fall 2009 |
What Is Kabbalah?
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The 4 Worlds Of The Kabbalah
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi.